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Dear children, do you know how the seeds germinate?

What are the conditions necessary for the seeds to germinate?

All seeds need water, oxygen, and proper temperature in order to germinate.

Some seeds require proper light also. Some germinate better in full light while others require darkness to germinate.

Have you tried to germinate some seeds at home? What did you observe and discover?


Daniel at Home

Do you know what is Daniel doing at home?

He is growing Bean Sprouts.

This is a good way to watch and observe how the seeds germinate daily.

Daniel is taking a good care of the bean sprouts.

Let's observe with Daniel and see how the seeds grown daily.

Day 1, the seeds start to pop open and sprout.

Day 2 and day 3, the seeds grow so fast, you can clearly see the buds coming out.

Day 4 and Day 5, you can see the roots forming and the shoots going up “stretching” towards the light.

Thank you Daniel for the wonderful sharing. We had an awesome time observing the growth of the seeds germination.


Theme Activity at Home this week

"Growing Flowers"

This week, we are going to celebrate Mother's Day!

We hope you all in the family enjoy a great time with these fun various flower activities.


"Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate."

——Proverbs 31:31


The End

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